Hike safely: Leave a map before you start hiking

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Key highlights: When planning a hike, it's crucial to inform others of your trip, particularly if venturing into remote or challenging terrains. A route map detailing your group, emergency contacts, hike dates, distance, duration, grade, direction of travel, start and end points, intended campsites, known water sources, potential evacuation points, and group members' details should be prepared and copies shared with a reliable emergency contact and left in your vehicle at the trail head. This will aid rescuers in locating you if required.

Are you planning a hike, going somewhere remote or where the weather can be extreme and terrain challenging? It’s important to tell other people about your trip and leave a map, so they can contact Police if something goes wrong.

As part of your hike planning I recommend you prepare a route map that includes details of your group and emergency contacts. In addition to sending this map to your emergency contact, leave a map or a copy of these documents in your vehicle at the trail head so that rescuers know your intended route and will have greater success at locating you if something goes wrong. Reminder again, a copy of these documents should also be left with your reliable emergency contact.

In addition to registering my trip intentions, the information I generally include on my map are:

  • Dates of hike
  • Summary of hike including distance, duration, grade, direction of travel, group size and experience, equipment
  • Start and end point
  • Intended campsites
  • Known or potential water sources
  • Possibly emergency extraction/evacuation points
  • Summary of group members including name, age and mobile phone number

Leave a map


About the Author

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Darren Edwards is the founder of Trail Hiking Australia, an avid bushwalker, and a dedicated search and rescue volunteer. With decades of experience exploring Australia's wilderness, Darren shares his passion for the outdoors, providing practical advice and guidance on hiking safely and responsibly. He was interviewed on ABC Radio and ABC News Breakfast to discuss bushwalking safety, highlighting his commitment to promoting responsible outdoor exploration.

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