Hiking health and hygiene

Your guide to a clean and healthy adventure

When you’re out hiking, taking care of your health and practicing good hygiene is more important than you might think. I’ve learned from my own adventures that staying clean, drinking enough water, and handling waste responsibly can make or break your outdoor experience. Proper hydration and hygiene, like washing your hands, can keep those pesky trail-side illnesses at bay. When we follow Leave No Trace principles by packing out our trash and handling nature’s call properly, we’re not only taking care of ourselves but also showing love and respect for the beautiful wilderness we’re exploring. So, keep yourself and the great outdoors in tip-top condition by making hiking health and hygiene a top priority on your next adventure! Here’s a few tips.

Essential Sun Protection for Hiking: Tips & Gear

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Discover the best tips and tricks for Sun Protection for Hiking, including the importance of high-SPF sunscreen, UPF clothing, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses. Learn how to plan your hikes strategically and protect yourself from the sun at all elevations.

Managing knee pain while hiking

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Discover effective ways to manage knee pain while hiking, from preventing overuse and muscle imbalances to choosing proper gear and techniques. Find relief now!

Packing out your poo on a hike

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Learn the essential practice of packing out your poo on a hike to minimise environmental impact and protect nature. Stay responsible and leave no trace.

Taste testing food on the trail


The Aussie bush contains a bounty of wild edible plants. Knowing how to identify edible plants is not easy so taste testing food is important.

Tips for hiking with your period

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Learn how to manage your period while hiking with our helpful tips and advice. Don’t let your period hold you back from enjoying the great outdoors!


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