About this route planner

Learn how to use this free route planner. Watch the video here.

Estimate the difficulty and duration of your hike. Access the Walking Track Grade & Time Calculator here.

I believe that preparation is the most important part of hiking. It doesn’t matter if you are going for a half hour stroll or a multi-day trek, the principles are still the same. Plan your hike thoroughly, While this online route planner allows you to quickly create a route to follow, it should not be viewed as a replacement for thorough planning. Research the trail and area you are planning to go, talk to others, find other reviews on the trail, check current closures, check weather forecasts and don’t forget to let someone know before you go.

This free online GPX viewer, editor and route planner allows you to:

  • Visualise multiple traces in different colors and aided by many different maps (cycling, hiking, satellite, etc)
  • Edit traces by adding, inserting, moving or deleting track points
  • Reverse traces
  • Add or change the timestamps of a trace
  • View, add, edit and remove waypoints
  • Reduce the number of track points
  • View and rework the structure of the file
  • Automatically add elevation data to traces if missing
  • Merge multiple traces, extending time, heart rate, cadence, power and temperature data where needed
  • Extract segments from traces and perform any other action while maintaining the segments’ structure within files
  • Save the result on your computer or to your Google Drive to get a shareable link and embedding code

Each time you add or move a track point, this app make a server request to retrieve the data. The app also relies on APIs from Mapbox to load the maps, retrieve elevation data and process geocoding requests. Unfortunately this is costly so, if you like the tool and use it often, please consider making even a small donation to the developers of this app so it can stay free for us all to use.

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