Contribute to Trail Hiking Australia

Do you have something about hiking to share?

Hiking related articles, blog posts and trip reports all help other adventurers make informed choices before heading out into the wild.

If you have a creative streak and enjoy writing, I’d love to share your experiences. You will be acknowledged for any material you provide. All articles (blog posts and trip reports) require at least one feature photo but you can include as many in the body as you like. All images to 1600×840 pixels (landscape) for consistency so please upload photos that suits that format. If it easier, you can simply upload an Microsoft Word document.

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If you’d like to submit an article that is promotional in nature or includes links to external sites, please contact me you before submitting the post to discuss ways we can help each other.

Copyright note: By submitting an article, you are not transferring ownership of text or images to the site owner. You can request that your article be removed from the site at any time. 

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