Partner with me: Darren Edwards

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Hi, I’m Darren Edwards, and I’m passionate about the great outdoors. I’m dedicated to sharing my love for adventure and the gear I trust with fellow outdoor enthusiasts. My goal is to offer the best advice to enhance your trail experiences.

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Who I can connect you with?

Facebook 16,100+ followers

Instagram 14,690+ followers

X (Twitter) 788 followers

Monthly EDM 46,550+ members

Hiking Groups 12,655+ members

All figures current as of 01 February 2024.

More about the Trail Hiking Australia community

The Trail Hiking Australia community is thriving, with over 1.5 million page views, over 1 million sessions, and an average of 64,365+ users per month, with some months exceeding 100,000. My audience includes avid hikers, recreational walkers, trail runners, mountain bikers, bushwalkers, multi-day hikers, and long-distance trekkers.

Many members view their outdoor engagement as more than just recreation; it’s a holistic lifestyle choice. They seek a deep connection with nature, their community, and themselves through trail experiences. They are eager for trail-based information and products that enhance their adventures, actively engaging in sharing ideas, stories, and knowledge.

Audience demographics

  • Women: 49.8%
  • Men: 50.2%
  • Age Groups:
    • 18-24: 12%
    • 25-44: 52%
    • 45-64: 30%
    • 65 and over: 5%

Contact Darren Edwards

For collaboration inquiries, please reach out to me at: [email protected]

Darren Edwards Profile Pic