Hiking meal planner

Create a tasty and nutritious menu

Quick oats for breakfast, crackers and cheese for lunch, and freeze dried meals for dinner – now that’s a good outdoors menu but, not for days in a row. It’s not that hard, and certainly not expensive, to create a tasty, easy, nutritious and diverse menu for any length hiking trip. Grab a copy of my FREE hiking meal planner for few a simple ideas.

Food and Menu Planner

Hike menu planner

Provides suggestions for planning your menu and a menu that can be used for overnight or multi-day hikes. Download, print and start preparing your menu.

Helpful hint: Unless you are an ultralight hiker, ideally your overnight pack weight is likely to be between 12-14kg + around 0.5 kg of food per person per day depending on your build, metabolism, gear, water, climate and terrain.

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