10 October 2022
Plan a trip to Kosciuszko National Park on Monero Ngarigo Country to experience the spectacular new Guthega to Charlotte Pass walk, completed this year by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS). The 9km day walk begins at Guthega village and winds through sub-alpine landscape, following the beautiful upper Snowy River, before arriving at picturesque Charlotte Pass. Walkers can immerse themselves in high-country plains and enjoy panoramic views of the majestic Main Range, as well as wildflowers, gnarled snow gums and unique wildlife.
A suspension bridge at the highest elevation in Australia (1627m above sea level) also features along the track, allowing walkers to cross scenic Spencers Creek.
Special elevated steel walkways are also in place in sections along the track to protect the sensitive alpine environment, including alpine bogs and threatened species.
The Guthega to Charlotte Pass walk is the first main section open to the public of a larger multi-day walking experience – the Snowies Alpine Walk – that is currently in construction and due for completion in late 2023.
The completed Snowies Alpine Walk will deliver an exceptional 55km, 4-day walk, that links Guthega, Charlotte Pass, Perisher and Bullocks Flat with up to 29km of newly constructed track, combined with existing tracks.
Visitors will experience the beauty of walking alongside the Snowy River and across the country’s highest peaks, including reaching the summit of Australia’s highest mountain, the 2228m Mount Kosciuszko.
The next stage of the walking experience – Charlotte Pass to Perisher, via Porcupine Rocks – is currently in construction and is due for completion in early 2023.
The Snowies Alpine Walk project is funded by the NSW Government ($17 million) and Commonwealth Government ($10 million) and will deliver a high-calibre tourism experience to boost off-peak park visitation, improve year-round employment stability and support regional economic growth.
Walkers are encouraged to plan their Guthega to Charlotte Pass walking experience by first visiting the Snowy Region Visitor Centre to speak with staff about safety, maps, conditions and transport. The walk is not accessible between June to October when it is snowbound.
Visitors can also take advantage of NPWS accommodation options in Kosciuszko National Park including Numbananga Lodge, Creel Lodge and Creel Bay Cottages.
Check out this exciting new trail here or for more information visit: nswparks.info/gtcp
Plan your trip to a national park in advance and always check the NSW National Parks website for alerts and closures. For Kosciuszko National Park track upgrade and temporary track closure information click here.
Image credit: Boen Ferguson DPE