
Discover Diverse Hiking Trails Around Canberra

Explore nature’s playground near Canberra. The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) might be compact, but its hiking trails pack a punch. Traverse the rugged Brindabella Ranges or find serenity along the tranquil shores of Lake Burley Griffin. Choose your adventure: discover cascading waterfalls on a Namadgi National Park day hike, navigate exciting ridgelines on a Black Mountain summit climb, or stroll through colorful wildflower meadows in springtime. All this awaits, just a short trip from Canberra’s vibrant center.

Grade 5

Tidbinbilla Peak Hike (17km)

Grade 5

Johns Peak Hike (15km)

Grade 3

Nil Desperandum Hike (14km)

Grade 4

Gibraltar Peak via Eliza Saddle (10.5km)

Grade 3

Devils Gap Hike (6km)

Grade 3

Fishing Gap Fire Trail Hike (7.7km)

Grade 3

Ashbrook Fire Trail Hike (6km)

Grade 2

Eric and Elsies Loop (600m)

Grade 3

Devils Gap Loop (3km)

Grade 3

Cascades Trail Hike (2.6km)

Grade 2

Peppermint Trail Walk (1.8km)

Grade 2

Black Flats Dam Walk (800m)

Grade 2

Barayngu Murawung Walk (1km)

Grade 3

Church Rock Heritage Loop (2.5km)

Grade 2

Wandarawari Track (2.2km)

Grade 2

Turkey Hill Trail (500m)

Grade 2

Dalsetta Link Walk (1.2km)

Grade 2

Congwarra Trail (3.5km)

Grade 2

Sheedys Link (2km)

Grade 3

Birrigai Time Trail (3km)

Showing Australian Capital Territory 1-20 of 87

Canberra & Beyond: Nature, Culture & City Life in the ACT

Nestled within New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) offers a unique blend of urban energy and natural beauty. Canberra, the national capital, sits at its heart, boasting modern architecture, world-class museums and a thriving culinary scene.

Beyond the city, a network of walking and hiking trails beckons outdoor enthusiasts. Explore the rugged ranges of Namadgi National Park, just a short drive from Canberra, or discover the natural wonders surrounding charming towns like Bungendore and Hall. Whether you crave cultural immersion, a gourmet experience, or an adventure in nature, the ACT promises an unforgettable Australian experience.