Carbon fibre vs aluminium hiking poles: Which one is best?

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One essential piece of equipment that can greatly enhance your hiking adventures is a pair of hiking poles. Hiking poles provide stability, support, and balance while navigating uneven terrain, crossing streams, or ascending steep trails. When it comes to hiking poles, two common materials used are carbon fibre and aluminium. In this post, I’ll compare carbon fibre and aluminium hiking poles to help you make an informed decision when choosing the right hiking poles for your needs.

Here’s a few things to consider

aluminium hiking poles


A key factor to consider when choosing hiking poles is weight. Carbon fibre poles are known for their lightweight properties, making them an excellent choice for long-distance hikes where reducing weight is crucial. Carbon fibre is a high-strength, low-weight material, making carbon fibre poles significantly lighter than their aluminium counterparts. This can help reduce fatigue during long hikes and make a noticeable difference, especially when carrying a heavy backpack.


Durability is another important consideration for hiking poles, as they need to withstand rugged terrain and heavy use. Aluminium poles are known for their durability and can handle rough conditions without easily breaking or snapping. They are often preferred for their ability to withstand impact and resist damage. On the other hand, carbon fibre poles can be more fragile and prone to cracking or splintering under extreme stress. While carbon fibre poles are generally strong and durable, they may not be as resilient as aluminium poles in challenging conditions.

Shock absorption

Shock absorption is an important feature for hiking poles, as it can reduce strain on your joints and muscles. Carbon fibre poles tend to offer better shock absorption compared to aluminium poles. The natural damping properties of carbon fibre can absorb more impact, providing a softer feel while hiking and reducing stress on your body. This can be beneficial for hikers with joint issues or those who prefer a more comfortable and forgiving experience. Aluminium poles, on the other hand, may transmit more shock to your hands and arms, which can be less ideal for those seeking more cushioning.


Budget is always a consideration when purchasing hiking gear. Carbon fibre poles are generally more expensive compared to aluminium poles. Carbon fibre is a higher-priced material, and this is reflected in the cost of carbon fibre poles. If you’re on a budget, aluminium poles may be a more affordable option. Aluminium poles are known for their cost-effectiveness, making them a popular choice for budget-conscious hikers who still want reliable gear without breaking the bank.


Rigidity refers to the stiffness of hiking poles. Carbon fibre poles are known for their high stiffness and minimal flex, which can provide better stability on uneven terrain. This can be advantageous when navigating rocky or unstable trails. Aluminium poles, on the other hand, may have a bit more flex, which could be a consideration for hikers who prefer a more flexible feel. The level of rigidity you prefer in your hiking poles may depend on your personal preference and the type of terrain you typically encounter during your hikes.


The climate you hike in can also impact your choice of hiking poles. Carbon fibre poles can perform better in colder climates as they do not conduct heat like aluminium poles. This can make carbon fibre poles more comfortable to handle in cold weather, as they won’t feel as cold to the touch. Aluminium poles, on the other hand, may feel colder in chilly conditions, which can be a consideration if you hike in colder climates frequently.


While aesthetics may not be the primary consideration for many hikers, the appearance of hiking poles can still be a factor for some. Carbon fibre poles are often praised for their sleek and modern appearance, with their glossy finish and futuristic look. Aluminium poles, on the other hand, tend to have a more traditional appearance with their metallic finish. The aesthetic preference is subjective and may not affect the performance of the poles, but it’s worth considering if you care about the overall look of your hiking gear.

Carbon fibre hiking poles

So, which material is best?

Both carbon fibre and aluminium hiking poles have their pros and cons, and the right choice for you depends on your specific needs and preferences. Carbon fibre poles are lightweight, offer excellent shock absorption, and have a modern appearance, making them a great option for long-distance hikes and those seeking a high-performance pole. Aluminium poles, on the other hand, are known for their durability, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility, making them suitable for rugged terrain and budget-conscious hikers.

Consider factors such as weight, durability, shock absorption, price, rigidity, climate, and appearance when making your decision. Remember to also consider other features such as adjustable length, pack-down size, grip material, grip ergonomics, and reliable locking mechanisms when choosing your hiking poles. These features can further enhance your comfort and performance on the trail.

It’s essential to try out different poles and see which ones feel comfortable and provide the right level of support for your hiking style. Whichever material you choose, investing in a quality pair of hiking poles can greatly enhance your hiking experience and help you tackle challenging trails with ease. Just in case you are wondering, I have both carbon fibre and aluminium hiking poles, and I do prefer the carbon fibre.

3 thoughts on “Carbon fibre vs aluminium hiking poles: Which one is best?”

    • Stephen Kay my first pair cost me around that much on eBay. They were pretty good until I overloaded them climbing a steep spur. Then they were so good anymore. Great idea to start with a cheaper pair and look at more expensive ones if there’s a real need. It’s easier to get sucked into overspending.

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