
Grade 5 Walking Tracks in Geeveston

Grade 5 (Difficult) trails are suitable for highly experienced self-reliant walkers with specialised skills including map and compass navigation and remote area first aid. Click here for more information on the hike grading system in Australia. Discover the best grade 5 trails in Geeveston, Tasmania, Australia.

Grade 5

Federation Peak Hike (45km)

Grade 5 (Difficult)

Walks for the Most Experienced: Grade 5 represents the most challenging walking tracks on the AWTGS. These are only recommended for very experienced and fit walkers with specialised skills, including navigation and emergency first aid. Tracks are likely to be very rough, very steep, and unmarked. Walks may be more than 20 kilometers. These challenging walks demand a high level of fitness and experience to navigate difficult terrain, significant elevation changes, and potentially unformed paths.