Personal etiquette

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  • #140163
    Avatar of darren edwardsDarren Edwards

    Always be polite, courteous and respectful of other members. No profanity or rude behaviour. Be considerate of other hikers and their experience. Bring a positive and enthusiastic attitude. Make sure you express your gratitude to your organisers and their assistants, people you carpool with, and anyone else who makes the experience possible. They are all volunteers! Pitch in yourself and help out if you can or better still, organise your own hikes.

    • Anti-social, dangerous or reckless behaviour endangering yourself or others whilst on an adventure will not be tolerated by any member.
    • Do not discriminate on age, gender or race. We do however require you to be physically capable and aware of the risks with the activities you have RSVP’d for.
    • You are responsible for providing PPE (personal protection equipment), first-aid and other medicine. Please let the organiser know if you do suffer from any medical conditions that could effect you on the adventure (asthma, diabetes, pre-existing physical ailments etc.)

    The points above have been prepared for managing the Trail Hiking Australia Meetup Group so not everything will be applicable to community organised events. I though’t it would be useful to include anyway.

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