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Parks and Reserves
Hike Map
Parks and Reserves
Use the interactive map of Australia, featuring 3,668 trails, to quickly find hikes and walks near you or by region. Click on the map pins to access detailed trail information instantly. You can filter results by state, grade, park, and more, making it easy to discover the perfect hike. Additionally, the info cards below will update as you refine your search.

Find your perfect hike or bushwalk in Australia

Australia offers an incredible diversity of hiking trails and bushwalking tracks—over 3,600 options to choose from. Discover World Heritage-listed wilderness, ancient rainforests, rugged coastlines, and the iconic outback. Whether you’re an experienced adventurer seeking a challenging multi-day trek or a casual walker looking for a scenic day hike, there’s a perfect trail waiting for you here.

Explore Australia’s trails with ease using this interactive map. With pins on over 3,600 hikes across Australia, you can search by state, park, hike length, duration, style, and grade (aligned with the Australian Walking Track Grading System or AWTGS). Whether you’re after family-friendly walks, moderate trails, or difficult hikes, you’ll find everything you need to plan an unforgettable adventure.

Explore a world of diverse tracks and trails

Step onto one of Australia’s top hiking or bushwalking trails and immerse yourself in stunning landscapes. Traverse the rugged outback, pass by clifftop waterfalls, or stroll along sandy coastlines. Australia’s national parks and wilderness areas feature thousands of kilometers of trails and tracks, offering opportunities to spot native wildlife, explore cultural landmarks, and take in panoramic views. From Tasmania’s lush forests and beaches to the red sands of the Northern Territory, experience each region’s unique beauty.

For your convenience, Trail Hiking Australia also provides seasonal recommendations, local weather information, and essential safety resources—helping you prepare thoroughly for every hike.

Ready to explore? Find your perfect trail now

Browse family-friendly hikes, wheelchair-accessible trails, breathtaking waterfalls, and scenic viewpoints. With over 3,600 tracks and trails, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for. Australia is home to some of the world’s most spectacular hikes, and Trail Hiking Australia is here to guide you to them.

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